Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day Two And Still Truckin

I shared a little with you yesterday about the thoughts and sizing up of the group in the eyes of those here in Simferopol. Tonight i had another insight as to what was happening. We got talking more about why this has been such a success with the work that has been done. We laughed and said "yeah, why didn't we bring Ryan and Jeremy along, they are the ones that would be great on this demo and building project. They are the ones that would make this team strong and something to look at."

Chuck began talking about the parable of the talents and what we each do with the talents God has given to us. How do we use them? None of us are builders or know a whole heck of a lot about building or demo. (well unless you count us "boys" who have an innate ability and desire to break, blow up tear down destroy anything nice mom or dad brings home.) That aside we are really not the A list group that should be here. Maybe not even the B or C list. HOWEVER, i think it safe to say that all of us have been given talents and a drive to serve to get this job done. These talents have been multiplied 10 fold through Gods magnifying glass. As Chuck talked more something else hit me. The parable of feeding the 5,000, this rag tag group of nobodies has been blessed and multiplied to serve beyond our own capabilities. Yeah, you can call it synergy or whatever, but thats selling it short.

Today we did a little bit of everything. We started by ripping up the floor to prepare the area that is to become the foundation. We are gonna get a tractor in to clear all the rubble and then pour the new foundation. Tearing down this building was crazy. It was like looking into the past as seeing the same type of building brick material that the Israelites used and made. The mud and stray bricks. They house was pretty sturdy for being nothing but mud and straw.

We ripped off a section of the roof and then pulled up the concrete of the same room so that the family can build down creating a basement bedroom for the family. The proved to be quite the undertaking. Only after everyone had taken a turn being a human jack hammer did we hear Karen say "Oh hey, we got a jack hammer over here." WHHAAAA oh...she was joking. Not really sure why we thought se might be serious. Maybe the heat was getting to us all a bit.

Again there were numerous events were laughter floated then even soared around the demo team and the rest of the house. Never have i seen as much laughter and dirty stinkin' sweat mingle so closely that the task at hand disappeared into joyful fellowship. That said we got a heck of a lot tore down, cleared out and sorted today. Looking back on it we are still all amazed at the progress.

There was so much fun and laughter to day on some BEAUTIFUL one-liners thrown around that there may be something special in the works, but for now i must again call it short and head to bed. I probably wont be able to post this till the morning but sleep well and know that there is now way this would be a success without your support and prayers.

Love you all and can't wait to share more with you later.



Good morning now to you all. Here are some fotos that i was trying to share last night.

Askan is on of the teenagers living in the house we're staying. He has been a workhorse as well, doing heavy lifting at the house. He also beat me in this game of Chess.


  1. Dude,
    You all have mad talents! Keep serving the Lord, in His Strength! You are in our prayers every day! Good to see Will and Big DC "doing work"... they look beast! The pictures are great!
    love you brother!

  2. Hey all of u, we have been con't praying for u. Impressed by all of the physical work that you are doing. Have fun sightseeing in KIEV. We send you luv and hugs along with our prayers.
    The O'Reillys
